About SW Hills

Get to know more about what makes us different.
Southwest Hills Baptist Church is an evangelical protestant church in the "Converge" denomination which previously was known as "Baptist General Conference". The main thing to know there is that we worship Jesus Christ, we believe the Bible is true and has truth the we need today as much as ever! We offer a variety of ministries that build disciples and impact the world. We are small enough that every visitor is greeted warmly, people are known by name, hurting people are helped, missing people are missed, and people are prayed for. We acknowledge that life is better done in community with each other and we strive to be that. We are saved because of Jesus' work on the cross, and we love to live out that truth on mission so that others can see the hope that He brings regardless of life circumstances.
We would love for you to check out our church and see how we can encourage, disciple, and help you grow closer to Christ. We also realize that God works in each of us differently, and if you visit and feel led elsewhere, we would be honored to help connect you to other great local Bible believing churches in the Beaverton area that can help you in your walk of faith.
We would love for you to check out our church and see how we can encourage, disciple, and help you grow closer to Christ. We also realize that God works in each of us differently, and if you visit and feel led elsewhere, we would be honored to help connect you to other great local Bible believing churches in the Beaverton area that can help you in your walk of faith.