Christian Education

Genesis: The Foundation for Everything

In this class, we will examine how God could take flawed men like Jacob and his sons and build the foundation for a nation that would birth the Lord Jesus Christ and offer salvation to the whole world. It would become a nation that still influences world events even today. This is a study that highlights God's magnificent grace and power. If God can work with such flawed men as these, how might he be able to use us with all our limitations? 

9:00am | Fellowship Hall
Jerry Propst | Bible Teacher

Trust, Truth, & Reason

In an age when many Christians have lost touch with Biblical truth, a biblical worldview, and even the Gospel itself, they are susceptible to "false arguments". Paul admonishes us to counter these false arguments (2 Corinthians 10:5-7). Through conversation and dialogue, this class aims to help believers develop a deeper understanding and love of God and to expand their capacity to talk about and defend the Gospel confidently with gentleness and respect (I Peter 3:15). Using an interactive question and answer format, we will start by establishing a groundwork of Bible-based theology and doctrine, then progress to conversations applying those principles with critical thinking and apologetics skills. 

10:45am | Fellowship Hall
Chris Gantenbein, Herb Grey, & Rex Smith | Bible Teachers